Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fun at Bebe's

We are in Atlanta this week for Thanksgiving, Stookey Style! Savannah has been having fun with her Bebe! More pics coming soon!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bed Head

What happens when baby goes down for a nap with a wet head??

Baby Goes Hiking!!

I've been dying to go hiking since the weather has been so nice. It was one of the perks of moving to Huntsville. I went while I was pregnant with Savannah and I couldn't wait to take her along! So I found an awesome hiking backpack at a consignment store and packed her right up! She went two days in a row! Jen came to visit us last week so on Tuesday we took a girls hike on Monte Sano. The next day was Shane's birthday and Jen stayed long enough to celebrate with us so Shane, Jen, Savannah, and me went for day 2 on Rainbow Mountain. The weather was a bit chilly... but perfect for hiking! We bundled Savannah up and she loved it! She just looked around from her backpack and wouldn't make a peep... unless I stopped. Then she would start groaning and kicking just like she was riding a horse. And neither hike was a cake walk... both had some pretty steep declines... and worse, inclines. But we made it!! We both can't wait to do it again!!
Don't ask.

Savannah would bury her head so far in my back you could barely see her little face. She fell asleep a few times.


This picture makes me laugh because Jen and I stared at this pole for about 10 minutes trying to figure out the difficulty rating of the trail we were about to go on. Now I look at it and it's very clearly marked "Extremely Difficult," the highest rating. Not sure how we missed that!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welcome Solon Fields Frazier!!!

Mary Margaret and Jay had their goat today.... it's a BOY!!!! He weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long. Everyone seems to be doing great!! We are all so excited. Shane's already freaking out about having to fight two little boys off of Savannah at the beach now!!! CONGRATS Sparkman-Frazier family!! We can't wait to meet him in person!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Ok. I just started using Flickr and I'm already confused. How can I delete my photostream and just use sets?? Anybody know how to do this??

Granny's Birthday Pary

This weekend we went to my grandparents' for my Granny's 89th birthday party. Savannah loved getting to know her family and of course everyone loved her! Why wouldn't they?? I also got a chance to use my other lens so most of my pics are close ups. But I think they turned out alright. I'm posting a few of my favorites but you can go here to see more of them. I played around with editing some... so several are the same shots just altered with color. I downgrade them to post so if anybody wants one to print out let me know and I'll email you the better quality pic. I got some really good ones of Granny and Grandad. I didn't post them all but most of the best ones.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Find a Cure!

Super cute onesies!! Click on the pic to blow it up!!
This is her "I'm being serious" face.
She's gonna hold her breath till there's a cure!

Feelin' Moosey

Savannah got a package from Bebe Clause today. It had the cutest moose dress, moose ears, hairbows, and onesies you've ever seen!! Here are some pics of the moose dress. Another post to follow.

6 Hours!!

In a row!! Yep, she slept much better last night! And I think she's trying to make things up to me because she slept till almost 11am this morning!! Needless to say, we both woke up happy!

While I worked last night she hung out with Daddy in his pack.

I'm liking this new sleeping arrangement. I hope it lasts! Tonight we're taking her to her first Japanese steak house! I think she'll like the big fire and knife show. She'll also enjoy sitting at a table with a few other strangers. We're betting on it keeping her quiet!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snuggle Bunny

Well, we're back to waking up every 3 hours. That's better than 2 but not at all what I want it to be. Apparently, this phase is pretty normal. I'm not a fan of it. She's been through much MUCH cuter phases.

I'm going the make-your-own-baby-food route. So far, so good. It's super easy!! Much easier than I thought. The hardest part is cleaning the food processor afterwards. But one batch of food lasts about a week so it's really not that bad. Her first food was acorn squash. It took her about a day to get used to it, but she ended up liking it a lot. Last night she had avocado. Yum!! Shane was a little jealous of that one. It wasn't Savannah's favorite but she ate the whole thing. I'm betting that she'll like it more tonight. One word of caution to anybody that's going to try that one - avocado's leave long stringy things unless it's completely smashed up. Those are a bit dangerous. She gagged on one but recovered pretty quickly. Next up... green peas. I'm gonna make a batch tomorrow.

My cousin Michelle sent us a HUMONGOUS box of clothes that Grace grew out of. Even though I unpacked the whole thing I'm still finding stuff that I swear I've never seen before. Like this adorable little snow bunny suit!! Savannah likes it... and she looks like a little doll in it. I was hoping it would make her sleep better last night. Oh well. It's still cute.

Here's Savannah and Daddy playing under her play gym last night.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I don't know who let The Princess read my earlier post about how happy I was with her sleeping habits, but apparently she got word and now she's got a point to prove. I am not a happy camper. For the past week she's been sleeping 3 hours at a time and last night it was every 2 hours... on the dot. And just to emphasize her point, she's not even grumpy when she wakes up. She's happy and cooing and talking to her mobile and stuffed animals in her crib. Then she gets down to business and starts screaming until I walk in the room. Then it's all smiles and happy baby again. All ready to play. Except it's 1 am, 3 am, 5 am... this is not my playtime!!!

We've tried cereal. We've tried solid food. This is definitely making her chub up, but not making her sleep any longer. Last night I wondered if maybe she wasn't getting enough milk from me so I made her a formula bottle. She tried to quit after half an ounce but I pretty much force fed her a full 4 ounces. She went right to sleep. For 2 hours!!!! I don't know what her deal is but I'm hoping she gets through this stage quick-like!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


The weather is perfect today for Savannah's first fire!! So after church we came home and Shane built her one. Savannah is mesmerized! She's not quite sure what to think. I can't wait to take her camping!!

She kept leaning forward trying to get a better view. She just couldn't get close enough!!