Wednesday, May 27, 2009

G'Day Mate!

After the boys' graduation we went to the lakehouse for the weekend. We were worried the weather would keep us off the water but it turned out to be a perfect boating day on Sunday!! The neighbor had a Savannah sized life jacket so we coated her up with sunblock and headed out to the water. Savannah loved it!! We stayed on the lake for a good 3 hours.

So relaxed.

They did it!!

My little twins are all grown up!! And their not so little anymore!! This past weekend we went to their high school graduation. Hard to believe I was giving them baths 16 years ago!!

A very happy Groover family!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pool time!! Well, almost!!

We finally got to fill up the little baby pool that we bought Savannah. She put on her bathing suit but the water was too cold for her to get in. But she was still too cute!

She still loves to swing!! She giggles every time she swings forward!

As long as she's sitting in the swing she's content to just chill!
Look at this picture and not smile... go ahead, try it... you just can't do it!!

10 minute!

We had such a fun Saturday! We went to the Space Museum for the high school robotics demonstration. We ended up staying for several hours and Savannah loved it!!

Savannah learned a lot about space and food on Saturday!! For lunch she had her first hamburger! After that she decided the whole baby food thing was a rip-off, so she ordered Chinese take-out for everyone when we got home.

Mmmm good!!

Spring!! Finally!

This little guy fell out of his nest while we were at Nana's and Papa's. We watched him all day. I was hoping we could watch him learn to fly but he just hopped around in the front yard all day. I was getting worried about him but then Savannah explained that Mama and Daddy bird will keep feeding the baby until he learns to fly - and that can take up to 21 days!!

I was worried that Savannah might not remember what actual sunshine felt like, but the rain FINALLY stopped!! We've been loving the weather lately!!
Normally Savannah puts everything straight in her mouth. But give her a leaf or a piece of paper, and she'll look at it really hard for a while, and then tear it in the smallest little pieces she can!

Notice the upside down paci! It's a game for her!

Friday, May 8, 2009

You CAN have fun with the vacuum!!

Savannah loves the vacuum! When it comes out, she just chases it around the room. She loves the sucker wand the most! I thought she'd be scared of it, but no... she LOVES it! She sticks her fingers and paci in it and then tries to suck on it, but it sucks back!! We played this game for a long time today! Thought I'd share some it with you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Picture time!!

Well, I'm going on the 8th hour of sitting in the waiting room where Dad is having his surgery. All updates have been good so far and we are expecting him to be done in the next few hours. Since I had some time to spare, and Dad's laptop, I decided to give everyone a much needed update on Savannah!

She's been a very busy girl lately. She is all over the place and getting into anything and everything she can find! She is pulling up on tables and is just starting to walk around while she's holding on to things. She'll take some very wobbly steps if we hold her hands!! She can wave bye bye, give kisses, and throw or roll a ball back and forth with you. She's just growing up way too fast!

We went back for our annual golf tournament in MS to visit some of our best friends!! We had such a good time, even though Shane was pretty sick the whole time. Looking back on it, I think he had the piggy virus!!

Here's Savannah waiting on her gyro at Keifer's, YUMMY!!!

Luke and Savannah... doesn't he look like a natural!!!

Joy and Savannah... look out Luke, you're next!! Somehow I missed getting pics of Steve and Lucinda with the baby. Well, I got one of Steve but he was corrupting Savannah by putting an Ole Miss hat on her... this is a family blog so I won't display such vulgarity!

Chowing down!

Savannah loves to get in the pantry! If we accidentally leave the door open she's going to get in there and pull everything down! If she's lucky, she'll get something open and we'll find her eating cereal off the floor!!

Shane and Savannah by the Reservoir.

Every baby needs to go to Cock of the Walk!! MMMM!!!

Luke and Joy.

The group at Keifer's.

Savannah had 2 birthday parties to go to on Sunday... I got her all dressed up and ready, went upstairs to get myself ready, came back down and found this...

A few weeks ago Savannah and I went and stayed with Lauren while Shane went to Telladega with Randy and Kyle. Lauren wouldn't let me take her picture and I think it rubbed off on Savannah. This is her "Why are you taking my picture again" face.

Her "I'm coming to take the camera away" face.

And her "No really, I said no more pictures today" face.

Playing with Mommy in the floor.