Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Savannah got to meet the Big Man today. She tested his beard... it's real!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!!

Last weekend we took a trip to the country to get our Christmas tree. We actually went to a Christmas tree farm and cut it down. It was the best Christmas tree buying experience I've ever had!! It was huge! There were acres of trees!! All perfectly Christmas tree shaped. They had four types of trees. We went with a very pretty Virginia Pine. They also had hot cocoa and spiced cider while you walked around. They provided you with a measuring stick and a saw. They shook and wrapped the tree for you. They would even dig it up and wrap the roots if you wanted to plant it after Christmas. I'm a little sad we didn't do this option... Savannah could have seen her first Christmas tree forever!! We might do it next year. Regardless, she very much enjoyed her first Christmas tree buying experience.

Just a warning... these are some of my favorite Savannah pics I've gotten... I had a really hard time narrowing it down to the hundred I've posted here. She had such a good time posing for the camera!!

There were so many trees... you can't really tell how far back the trees went.

All that Christmas tree cutting wore her out!!

This was her seat while she watched us decorate the tree. She helped hang a few ornaments but she'd much rather try to eat them than hang them on the tree. So we thought it best to just let her watch from a safe distance.

The finished project! Except somehow the pic got flipped. The windows and the sideways pictures of Savannah are actually on the opposite walls. Weird.
Here Savannah is helping me post pictures on the blog. This picture is correctly oriented.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa, Here I Come!!

Savannah is getting ready for Santa!! She's been trying her best to convince Santa that she's been the best baby ever this year. I don't think she has to work too hard to win that contest! She tried on his boots and hat just for fun.

These are some shots of Savannah flying with her Daddy. She loves this game!! Shane will fly her all over and she just smiles and laughs.

Snow Day

These pics are from one day last week. For about 10 minutes it snowed. Hard!! None of it stuck but it was so pretty falling down. The flakes were big, fluffy ones... and they were coming down hard!! I wrapped Savannah up and took her out for a second just so she could see it. She looked around and wasn't really sure what to think about it all... but I think she smiled a little. So I took her back in the house before she got too cold and grabbed the camera. The pics didn't come out nearly as pretty as the real thing... but you get the idea.

My neighbor brought her little girl out at the same time. At times I couldn't completely see them through the snow!!

Today it's just raining. Still. Our backyard looks like a lake... I'm thinking about getting some Koi to put out there.

I Love My Life

I have the most wonderful husband and perfect baby EVER!!! I'm a very lucky girl!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I'm writing this to give much due credit to the most loving mother. Emily is there every day for Savannah and has sacrificed much to be home with Savannah and be there for her every need. Mama takes the time to make sure everyone knows how Savannah is doing and where all she has been. Well, I'm here to make sure everyone knows what a wonderful mother Emily is. When the day starts, Mama gets up with Savannah and makes sure she is sporting her best outfit for the day. They go for walks and hikes and if its raining, they go shopping. Mama makes sure she has a clean warm place to sleep when its nap time. There is lots of feeding and being there for Savannah when she calls. After being a mother all day and made sure Savannah had the best of everything, she goes to work at night after daddy gets home. Mama calls to check on her and supports daddy when he needs a second opinion on what to do during daddy daycare. I want everyone to know how much mama is loved from both daddy and Savannah.

Mama feeds her...

Mama bathes her...

Mama naps with her...

Mama tries to dress her in orange...

Mama includes her in all activities...

Mama holds her close...
We love you and want you to know how much we appreciate you.

Mom's side Thanksgiving

Somehow we didn't take many pictures on Mom's side. I guess because we'd just been there for Granny's birthday. Actually, I had a few more pics but the people that were in the pics would have probably killed me for posting them on the web... so these are the ones I thought I could safely get away with!!

Here's all the great grandkids on Granny's side. Taylor's holding Savannah and her sister Chelsea is in the green. Laiken and Dylan are in the back.
Taylor, Andrew, and Chelsea. Too much fun!! :)

Sims Thanksgiving

I'm posting a ton of pics from the Sims Thanksgiving. We've had technical difficulties here, so sorry about the delay in getting them posted. There are so many kids on this side now that it's like the paparazzi at holidays now... cameras flashing all over. Here are some random pics.

I like this pic of JJ.
This is Logan. He's just a few weeks older than Savannah but he's so big compared to her!! And he has the prettiest blue eyes!!
We're completely losing the battle against the thumb sucking. Savannah will take her paci out of her mouth the suck the thumb. At least she's learned to soothe herself... but I might hate it in another year!
Grace is almost walking!! In fact, since it's taken me so long to post these pics she might be walking by now. She would take a few steps on her own... till she realized what she was doing.
And Savannah is almost sitting up by herself. Same thing... she will until she realizes what she's doing... or goes to grab something and knocks herself off balance.
Here's Melissa cheezin.
Grace and her beautiful brown eyes!
Michelle cheezin.
Carl, super happy about me taking his pic.
Shane with Grace. Pretty funny considering he'd never held a kid till Savannah was born. Now he's actually asking people if he can hold their babies.
All the great grandkids with Meme and JJ. Luke, David, and Lauryn standing up. Grace, Savannah, and Logan in the laps.
Gotta get one shot of Meme and JJ with just Savannah... she is the star of this blog!
She got to enjoy a grand Thanksgiving feast of green peas. She was happy with that. I had to wrestle the banana pudding away from her Nana or she would have had that for desert. I'm still not fully convinced she didn't get a taste.
Here's Nana and Poppa with Savannah. I don't really get to see her much when they're around.
Here's Lauryn. Her hair is starting to grow back out from where her and her brother were playing Barber Shop.
Meme and JJ's kids, my Dad and Uncle Fred.
Michelle and Grace