Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!


More pics to come! Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!!
And wanted to tell ya'll that Savannah is growing like crazy!! About a week ago we heard her laugh for the first time. We were eating at O'Charley's and I'm not sure what she thought was so funny, but she laughed out loud. We heard it one more time over the weekend but it still didn't seem like a deliberate laugh. Well, last night we were playing with her on the bed. We'd gone through all her flashcards and toys and I started tickling her with a puppet. She laughed out loud!! A lot!!! There's nothing funnier than a baby laughing!! We tickled her with that puppet till she didn't think it was so funny anymore!! It was awesome!!!
And just so we didn't get too excited about the laughing last night, she followed it up with rolling over this afternoon!!! From her front to her back. I tried to make her do it again, but that only made her really really mad... but she did it and I was watching her!! Man, she's growing up fast!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bebe Visits!! And some stats...

Bebe came to visit Savannah. Savannah just thought she was hillarious!! She got a super cute fall jogging suit... custom made by Bebe. And considering she had to get her 4 months shots while she was here, she was in a surprisingly good mood!! She didn't get grouchy or anything. But man, she's really started loving her rice cereal at night!! We tried to put her to bed one night without giving her any and she just wasn't having that!!! Her 4 month check up went amazingly well!! She was 24.75 inches long, 13 pounds, and 40cm head circumference. She's in the 50-75th percentile ranges. And she's ahead of schedule developmentally!!! This is fantastic news, especially since she was 4.5 weeks early!! I've been telling ya'll that she's the smartest baby in the world!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Robert's Baptism

On Sunday Savannah went to church for the first time. We haven't taken her yet because we were a little worried about how she would handle sitting in a quiet room for an hour. She was awesome!!! She loved the music!! Of course, we always love the music at The Orchard. But she did even better than we expected!! She's our little social ladybug!!

Robert got baptized. He was amazing as well!! Not a peep from either one of them. Isn't he sweet!! His christening gown was soooo pretty! It was the one they used for his big sis Emma. It's made out of Amelia's mom's wedding dress. I don't have a pic of it but he was equally as cute at the lunch afterward.
I remember when Wade was that little!!

Here's Lauren with Robert.
Ginny with Savannah. She wore a pretty smocked dress her Nana gave her.

Here's Amelia and Robert. I'm a fan of the new do.

Groover Time Again

We stayed with Lauren and Randy this weekend, of course!! Savannah had a good time. Somehow we didn't get any shots with Troy or Kyle. Here's Savanah with Uncle Randy.

And with Aunt Lauren... aren't they cute... all dressed alike.

With the weather getting cooler, and Savannah's hair getting longer, I now have to blow dry her hair.
And if you were wondering why she always has a bow in her hair... here's what you get without one. We didn't get any good pics of her after I added the bow.

Molly's Wedding

This past weekend we went to Tupelo for Molly's wedding. It was beautiful! Turned out to be a perfect day, and Savannah was PERFECT!!!! We were so worried she would scream during the ceremony. It was outside so there wasn't even anywhere to take her if she got loud. And since I had to sit up front, Shane had her by himself. She was an angel. Watched the whole thing just like she knew what was going on.

Here is Molly at the bridesmaid breakfast the morning of the wedding. It was at Amanda's (same place mine was) and everything was fabulous, as usual!!

The wedding was at The Magnolia's. An old antebellum home in Aberdeen, MS. Very pretty!!

The reception was on the lawn in front of the house. It was perfect!!

Somehow, this is the only shot we got of Savannah. Such a shame because she was extremely cute!! She wore a really pretty white dress with pink swirls (thanks Michelle) and a white sweater over it with tights and the cutest white ballet slipper shoes (thanks Casey). I may just dress her up again later today and take her pic in that outfit.

Classic Molly shot.

They left in a buggy pulled by two gorgeous horses!! I'm a little jealous of this!! Why didn't we do this???

Pretty flowers.
Her cake... yummy!!

The back of Molly's dress and her hair... loved it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Daddy Day Care

Today was the first time I've worked during the day since Savannah's been here. The doctor I test for got sick and asked if I'd cover for her. She made it worth my time. And I really like her. It was only for about 5 hours so Shane went to work extra early and just took the rest of the day off to keep Savannah. Apparently they had a long day. I came home to this:

The last time we were in Tupelo, Randy and the boys went to a hunting expo and came home with a new outfit for Savannah. It's hard to read in the picture but it says, "Daddy's hunting buddy."

We do live in Alabama ya'll.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We took Savannah back to the pumpkin patch for another photo session. She did much better this time. We got some really cute pics.

She was amazed by these squash. We could not get her to look at the camera. She just kept staring at those squash.

And a few shots in her hat from Bebe.

We still haven't carved our pumpkins that we bought there last week. We'll have to do that sometime soon.

UT / MSU Game

This past weekend we took Savannah to Knoxville for her first time for the Tennessee / Mississippi State game. Our intention was to take her to her first football game but it ended up being too chilly and my Mom was convinced the stadium would be so loud it would damage her hearing. So my mom kept Savannah at the hotel while my dad, Shane, and I went to the game. Of course, the argument for the past few months is what Savannah would wear. Since Shane got up first and dressed her, she started out in maroon. She changed during the game to her orange UT cheerleader outfit but somehow we didn't get any pics of her in that. Regardless, UT won... with the score far exceeding my expectations this year!! I've been getting some slack from my college friends for wearing orange and cheering for UT. What can I say??? Blood is thicker than student loan bills!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

One More Reason I Love My Child...

She is not a morning person!! Those of you that know me well know how much I love my sleep!! I was really worried about the whole "sleepless months" horror stories you hear about. However, I was blessed with a child that cherishes her sleep as much as her mother. I'm extremely pleased with her latest sleeping pattern. She's been going to bed around 8-9 pm and sleeping till 6-7 am. (Occasionally she'll wake up around 3 am... but only if she doesn't eat immediately before falling asleep.) She eats at 6 and then goes back to sleep till about 8:30-9. On good days she'll sleep as late as 10. Our rule is that if it's daylight outside, she can come to bed with us. And oh how she loves to sleep with us!! If she's in our bed she'll sleep till noon if we'll let her!! Some days she naps (30 min - 2 hrs), some days she doesn't. As long as she's sleeping well at night, I'll let her decide if she naps or not. She's napping on me now as I write this.

Some days we wake her up before she's decided it's time to get up. Here are some shots of one of those days.

Can you hear her screaming at Shane to "GET OUT OF HERE..."

And one more reason I love my husband. Last night as we were discussing the breakfast food I recently bought at the grocery store, he commented how he liked the English muffin egg sandwich that the Williams made for him (kudos to Jen and Lang). I (half heartedly) volunteered to get up before he goes to work and cook him breakfast everyday. To which he replied (and I quote this exactly), "I'd much rather you enjoy sleeping in late than to get up and cook me breakfast." At that exact moment I could hear angels singing in the background.

I love my family!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Day in the Life...

of Savannah. She plays with Daddy.

Here she's telling me all about why she doesn't need a bedtime.
And she is highly entertained with her tongue.

She loves to stand up. And only needs a little help from Daddy.This is just a sweet pic.
She loves to play outside. Especially since the weather has been so perfect! Brawney makes sure to keep an eye on her. She doesn't make too many moves that he's not aware of! I love this outfit on her!! As my mom would say, "Yellow is her color."
She got to swing on our swing set for the first time!! I think she really enjoyed it. She just looked around and tried to figure things out. Then she got sleepy.
I took this pic to show how tiny she looks in the swing set.